Nikki and Robert's Engagement Session took place in Jamestown, Rhode Island at Nikki's parents' property. The area overlooks the Newport Bridge and is sure to make an absolutely beautiful setting for their wedding too.
We photographed on the front steps, in the very spot they will exchange their vows on September 11, 2010.
As far as their story goes, it is all rather convoluted ... no one's really sure how it happened! haha
According to Nikki, she tried getting Rob's attention in college, but to no avail. (He was probably too consumed with his country music. lol) After college, to both of their surprise one day, they ended up working together. Out of the office, according to Rob, Nikki stalked him. According to both of them, they were just friends. According to their friends, they were dating. July of 2008, they finally admitted their denial and things moved on quickly from there ...
Nearly two months after throwing Nikki off completely by giving her his great-grandmother's opal and diamond ring for Christmas and not explaining its meaning, Rob casually handed Nikki a Limoges champagne bottle after a port and wine paring at a resort in New Hampshire. Inside the box was a sapphire and diamond ring. Still he didn't bother to ask her to marry him but she got the point this time. While a Friday the 13th "proposal" may have upset any other girl, Nikki was thrilled he didn't wait a day!
They say that it's not about the destination ... it's about the journey and with Nikki and Robert, it's already an adventure!

"Sea" their slideshow here! ;-)
I LOVE the boat ones! They look amazing!